It follows the story of a family that becomes wealthy merchants through the art trade in the late Joseon Dynasty. Revolves around the secret of a son who abruptly returns after disappearing and his half-sister who pursues the truth. A half-brother and sister, Jae Yi and Hong Rang, have been close and caring for each other since childhood. However, Hong Rang suddenly disappeared one night at age 8 when he tried to look for Camellia flowers for his sister. Hong Rang grew up like a prince, but he disappeared at a younger age, then abruptly returned after greater than a decade without his childhood memory, and his true identity became a mystery to his surroundings. Jae Yi lives with an abusive stepmother and a neglectful father. She is an intelligent girl with a charming appearance and mysterious beauty. However, in contrast to her beauty, she has a lousy personality with a high level of fraudulent skills. She lived by counting on her half-brother Hong Rang, however, he confronted a giant ordeal when he disappeared. Adapted from the novel "Tangeum" (탄금) by Jang Da Hye (장다혜).